The Sun is a long lived Star, cosmically speaking. Some of the largest stars become black holes (20 million years) in a fraction (a 100th) of the Sun’s estimated life span (4.6 billion years). Even now it seems to be in the early phase of its adulthood (as a main sequence star), and is still burning strong and steady. One pattern of the cosmic order is that the larger the star, the shorter its life span— and the greater the likelihood of becoming a black hole.
The Sun is considered a ball of plasma (a fire without oxygen) and is physically made up mostly of Hydrogen (around 74% by mass) and Helium (around 25% of total mass). It burns at a temperature of around 27 million degrees Fahrenheit in the core, and around 9,941°F at the outskirts of its atmosphere.
The Sun is also the fourth least dense body of the 12 bodies listed here in the solar system (followed by Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn).
Helium is roughly four times as massive as Hydrogen per atom. But since different forms of Hydrogen help to create Helium in a stable form there are different types of Hydrogen in the Sun as well. But the nucleon numbers (amount of protons and neutrons in the nucleus) are the first 4 integers: 1, 2, 3 and 4. So here 3 forms of Hydrogen go into making Helium.
The Sun can be described energetically in terms of atomic fusion, and in terms of its solar winds, which are as close to a rotation as can be discerned. The solar winds are fairly periodic and are at different rates depending on how close to the equator or poles the winds are. By the equator the solar winds make one round in 25 days. At the poles it is closer to 35 days.
It is also worth stating that all fires require fuel, and the Sun’s fuel is Hydrogen in this current state of its development. Hydrogen is a very charged or polarized form of matter. What happens in the Sun is matter is created in more neutral and stable forms of matter, such as Helium, Carbon, Oxygen, Calcium, Iron.
Hermetic and Kabbalistic Lore and its Physical Basis
The Sphere of the Sun, or Sol in Latin, is the Sphere of light and perfect balance. This sphere is the deep structure at the heart of all matter in Hermetic practice. The structure hinted at here is one of a multidimensional resonance.
Matter is not regarded as fully formed in this Sphere in Hermetic Lore, which connects in literal or physical fashion to the circumstance that matter of the Sun is still quite distant from Earth. Most of what reaches us from the sun is said to be light in the form of photons, though also particles from the “Solar winds” reach us in the form of protons and electrons. In this case it seems that the reality and the tradition are one. Matter from the Sun that reaches us is mainly a part of the building blocks of matter rather than fully formed hydrogen or Helium—or more stable forms of matter. Protons and electrons often quickly pair up, and since Hydrogen is basically a proton and an electron in a semi-stable but very reactive state there is a sense here too that the deep structure of Matter and basic matter from the Sun reach us.
The larger issue here is that the Sun manufactures (like all stars in the main sequence phase of star life) Helium from Hydrogen in the form of atomic fusion. Helium is the basic template of all more complex forms of matter in the form of stable atomic structure as far as we know—a Helium atom is more electro-neutral with the addition of neutrons into the atomic nucleus (theorized to be a fusion of an electron with a proton).
The Sun is also regarded as the center of our local Cosmos, which also accords with our current understanding of the Solar System by science. In some ways, the idea of the Sun as the Sphere of Beauty (TiPheReT in Hebrew) and Pure Balance (in the Quareia classical style school of Magic) relates to the idea of gravity, and the Sun’s power to hold all the planets in orbit. The idea here, derived from the Musical Cosmos Theory ideas of musical balance in the solar system, perhaps springs from the fact that what determines a planets longevity is its orbital harmony and balance with the Sun and all the other nearby bodies. This level of Harmony takes millions and billions of years to achieve, and it is based on the particular balance of momentum. Too much momentum in any one direction and it could be cataclysmic for the planet or body involved—it could crash into the Sun, another planet or moon, or be hurled off into the deep cold of free space away from the life giving warmth of a burning star.
In terms of Magic, Theology, Angelology and Demonology the Sphere of the Sun is the place of the Kings (and Queens) of Harmony (MaLaCHIM in Hebrew), which is both an Archangelic presence and an order of Angels. The Archangel is sometimes said to be Raphael, the Healer, and others relate that Michael is the Archangelic being of this Sphere. The Kings of Harmony are said to be powerful and more balanced and “root” forms of deities—more ancient and in the center of the balancing scheme of creation.
The Quareia system of Magic relates:
That this power keeps “two opposing powers in balance. As the Divine impetus for creation pulses in to the inner worlds from (the) Divine source, it is guided through Perfect Balance: the tension between Restriction and the Light Bearer forces it to flow down the middle of the tension. As it passes through Perfect Balance, it receives equal measures of power from the two opposing powers. (Quareia—The Initiate Module III—Power Dynamics of Creation, Part II Lesson 3: Perfect Balance, pg. 1”
If we take in mind that the power of the Sun is a result of such opposing forces: one the one hand the sun’s sheer mass pulls all to its center by the force of gravity where all matter tends together with a certain measure of force. On the other hand, all of that matter tends to resist being clumped together by other forces like electromagnetism and the strong nuclear force—which is the force that holds together the nucleus and is the strongest force with the shortest affective distance.
Gravity would have all things collapse together and break apart at the center, but the strong nuclear force holds together matter in opposition to that collapse just as the electromagnetic forces keep them at a distance and in cohesive combinations.
In this way 2 powers said to be in separate Spheres of Influence (Jupiter as Expansion, Saturn as Contraction, and Mars as Friction or the ability to resist opposing forces and retain one‘s form) are fully contained in the physical Sphere of the Sun.
In science power is measured by the amount of energy exchanged or utilized, divided by time. Usually it comes as Joules per second. A Joule is a unit for energy which is derived from the well known equation of Force— Force = mass * acceleration. A force applied over a certain distance is regarded as energy, but if you divide that energy by the time it was done in you have an idea of the power involved (Joules per second).
Pure Balance
Warmth (Heat)