Raw pool of Data for
Musical Cosmos Theory
These are the raw resources of the Meditating Computer Project. The NASA Planetary Data Sheet is available for download for free. It is a sheet we have compiled in as plain a fashion as is possible. Some of the data had to be hunted down but the majority of the chart is from NASA’s own data sheet here.
Updated 5.22.20203
Demos of Different Octave Lengths
Here is also a very helpful list of Perfect Musical Dimensions for Octave Lengths 2-13 and 31. Each set of calculations is for a different octave length, and each Octave Length is split up into equal logarithmic parts up to 44ths. Musically these would be 44 note musical systems. Our western system is a 12 note system. In Musical Cosmos Theory it is very important to understand different conceptions of the same measure. Musical Systems can include others perfectly or be so close as to be hearable as the same note in some cases. These are the musical numbers, or interval lengths for musical systems which use a different octave length. Octave Length is a basic definition of musical equivalence. In language we can use the same word or sound though it has very different meanings in different contexts. This is similar to the idea of an octave. The word sex can mean gender or the act of “sex”, just like two C notes on a piano are the “same note” they are also different frequencies of vibration.
The sets of lists below taught me that the strength of using Octave length 2 is that it has up to 2 times more points to measure a thing with in any comparable split of an octave. For an octave Length 2, what you will always see is a number between 1 and 2. These are called intervals in music. They are basic measurements put in a very standardized form because they are useful in multiple ways and for multiple purposes: making instruments which will play them, tuning strings in a well tempered way, and for acoustic measurements in performance spaces.
Musical Cosmos Theory
Maps 1.2
The Sun is excluded in this latest batch of Training Cards because it has a wide range of effective day lengths in the solar winds depending on the distance north or south of the solar equator. These scales which include 2 scales per body, will be further combined into 1 scale for each planet which will be somewhat of a perpetual master scale for the Planetary Sphere in question.
updated 12.5.22 on Mercury
These two pdfs are the calculations and the rawest and most precise form of the musical intervals that exist between the planets by their solar day lengths and year lengths from the perspective of each and every body considered in the training deck. They are calculated according to octave length 2 in his format, as they are the calculations for the musical cosmos training deck 1.2.
Musical Cosmos Theory 1.1 Maps
I have updated the Year Lengths for Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Neptune to be more precise (as info is available to me).
Note Solar Day is used here instead of Sidereal Day length. The Day Length on Earth is 24 hours (solar day length), not 23 hours and 56 minutes (sidereal day length).
Solar Day length measures the time it takes for the sun to reach the same point in the sky as visible from one point on the planetary body in question.
updated 8-17-22
(these use the Sun even though there is no one figure for its “rotation”)
The Math Notebook archives for Musical Cosmos Theory 1.0
updated 6.15.22
Music of ThohT
the Planetary Octave
& the Planetary Power Chord
by DISTANCE to the SUN
Here is a spreadsheet which allows you to easily test the music of the planets using only 2 notes, and with Mercury as the root (though he would be the highest pitch of all of them).
Mercury is here the first step on a peculiar planetary hopscotch. All you do is enter in a number for Mercury’s Distance in the top left cell ( best if the number is between 46 and 69.8, but other numbers can also be instructive). Since the chart is calibrated for entries in millions of kilometers, and since it is a chart which tests the most basic harmonic pattern of the solar system, the easiest way to test the planetary power chord is to enter in a number between the closest distance to the Sun and the farthest distance to the Sun for Mercury at the top left.
The spreadsheet will read out a number other than zero in the column entitled “Hits” if that distance can intone the planetary octave in any of the Nine other planets that make up that family, or if the planetary power chord can be struck by Earth or Neptune. In this way you can see what kind of unified Harmony they have with each planet in red, while the power chord notes (perfect 5ths) are in blue.
The basic pattern is
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 - 64 - 96 - 128 - 256
1 Mercury - 2 Venus - 3 Earth -
4 Mars - 8 Ceres - 16 Jupiter -
32 Saturn - 64 Uranus - 96 Neptune -
128 Pluto - 256 Eris.
With this spreadsheet style app, you can see how and where Mercury plays music with different planets and different planetary energies throughout its orbit.
Some focus points for your perusal of the spreadsheet game of the planetary power chord.
When Mercury is near its closest point to the Sun, all planets from Jupiter to Eris can light up the planetary power chord.
When Mercury is closer to his average distance, only Mars can intone the planetary octave—though by day length Mars roots both the Sun (major 3rd) and Mercury (perfect 5th) in a major chord- amongst the most supportively balanced and sunny forms of resonance in music and energy.
Between Mercury’s closest distance and his average distance from the Sun, there are 2 other integer points in the Planetary Power Chord of interest, where 5 hits register in this particular google sheet game. Can you find them? Which Planet is the most important planet in finding that resonance pattern of the planetary power chord in each case?
Beyond Mercury’s average distance to the Sun, the planetary octave dies out and a more complex music occurs.
Musical Solar System Beta .0001a
A record of all the calculations of the Musical Cosmos Theory from Mathematica Notebook files, made into pdf form to share online for the curious. In this list Eris was excluded because I didn’t need it at the time. Eris coming soon, as well as for the Sun and Moon.
Musical Cosmos Theory Maps for Beta 0001b

Musical Cosmos Related Maps
Here are maps and charts of the ideas in math, music, physics and astronomy used to explore the Musical Cosmos Theory, the idea of Musical Numbers, and how it applies to the Planets and to matter and energy.
All of these are downloadable for artists, teachers and researchers.